Catch Up: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Martha Blah Blah, Pete the Cat!

Just an Update!

I hope parents are ready, because tomorrow we are sending home the motherload!  I've documented every piece of art work that we have done over the past few weeks.  It made me reflect on the LARGE amount of projects we've already gotten into, and we haven't even tipped the iceberg!

We started seriously focusing on identifying our names! We are very excited about this because our class is eager to learn! We LOVEEE Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, which if you are not familiar is a story about the alphabet climbing up and falling down a coconut tree.

During small group time, we found the first letter of our name. Then we used B-I-N-G-O markers to decorate! Those markers got a workout!

Another favorite of ours is Pete the Cat! Which to be honest is my ABSOLUTE favorite! You can listen to the song at home through this website, free of charge. PETE ROCKS!!!!!!

We made our own white shoes!

We stepped in all sorts of things, but we remember that no matter what you step in, it's all good!

The sensory tub is a hot commodity in the Jammer Room. When we started school, we it was filled with multicolored streamers. We are going to be changing it out every two weeks. This week we read Martha Blah Blah; this is a story about a dog, Martha, who eats alphabet soup and gets the gift of speech. WE got to play with pasta in the fore mentioned sensory tub this week! IT WAS AWESOME!

Below are just a few pictures of our language development partner chats! You can find more pics in the classroom photo album!

Ms. Joyner


We are currently in an All About Me unit, in our class! During which we are talking about our feelings! We read Mean Soup last week, and had some practice making mean faces...

We had just finished reading


After Mean Soup, we made our own! It was affectionately renamed "stanky soup."  We added a few extra nasty ingredients, such as rotten toenails, hair, AND fuzzy boogers!!!!

That's really mean looking!
We had so much fun with these our class was really squirming! 


Ms. Joyner

We are in MOTION!

The Gingerbread Man Hunt!


As we're really getting to know our surroundings at school we read the classic tale The Gingerbread Man. And as you all know those ginger-people are VERY sneaky. The gingerbread man hopped right out of our story and ran around Mill Creek Elementary school! So last Monday, we went on a "hunt" around the school looking for that gingerbread man!




Below are some of the clues the gingerbread man left for us; we were hot on his trail the whole time!


Note in Oven 
Dear Boys and Girls, 
Tomorrow look for me around (the library, the office, or the lunchroom) and inside of books, 
I'm famous for running away and for my delicious looks!


Now chase him Jammers, catch that man!
Chase him; yes chase him, as fast as you can!
Through the classroom and out in the school,
Catch him right now, you know that it’s cool!
The gingerbread man, he's out of the pan!

Along came a Mrs Aycock who was reading a book,
She was in the library, and checked every nook!

The school library is a place for reading you see,

With books, books, books, books you can fly high on the trapeze!

That little cookie escaped before she could catch him,

I’m sure that he is going somewhere else on a whim!

Thank you Mrs. Aycock for hunting that dude,

We’ll just keep looking, until he is chewed!

Run, run, as fast as you can
You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man
I'm the gingerbread man and I'm out of the pan! 

Here is the lunchroom where you come to snack,
But the gingerbread man, he never looked back

Mrs. Rita saw him run by so clever and yummy,

The lunchroom is where ladies make food for our tummy!

Thank you Mrs. Rita for trying so, so hard!

We’ll see you at lunch with our brand new lunch card!

Run, run, as fast as you can
You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man
I'm the gingerbread man and I'm out of the pan! 


He ran through the office, that swift little man,

There are lots of grown ups in here that make our school plan!

She types with her left, and writes notes with her right.

Mrs. Harrison certainly sleeps well at night!

When the phone rings, she takes the call

Without using any hands at all!

Thank you Mrs. Harrison for trying to get our fellow!

Next time, you see him don’t hesitate to bellow!


Our principal, Mr. Hill, is up here too,

If you have a question he knows what to do!

We don’t want to visit him if we’re doing wrong,

But when we are being good he might sing a song!

Thank you Mr. Hill for trying to get that cookie!

Next time he runs by be sure to be on the lookie!



Mrs. Minick is our assistant principal here at Mill Creek,

We have to pay her a visit if our good choices are weak!

She is there to help us if there is ever a need,

Mrs. Minick will always lend a hand with great, great speed!

Thank you Mrs. Minick for sniffing him out,

Next time we’ll catch him with out a doubt!


Nurse Ashley is up here hanging out with this crew,

She is the one we visit when we have a boo-boo!

The Gingerbread man ran right through here so speedy and quick,

But sweet Nurse Ashley double checked that he was not sick!

Thank you Nurse Ashley for slowing him down,

When we see you again, we’ll be all smiles not frowns!


Run, run, as fast as you can
You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man
I'm the gingerbread man and I'm out of the pan! 



Read before starting back in the book:


There was no place to go, there was no place to run
And Ms. Joyner promised he would have lots of fun!
So back in the book that gingerbread man did go
And what happened next, you will soon know!

Thank you Ms Joyner,

Little Old Man and Little Old Woman


Our Gingerbread Keepsakes!

Ms. Joyner

Gingerbread Man Hunt!

Last Monday our class went on a gingerbread man hunt around the school!! That sneaky man hopped right out of our storybook on to Mill Creek's campus! That silly dude took us to the cafeteria, library, office, and nurse's station! These are some of the clues we found!

Survived the First Week Back!

We Survived Our First Week!

I’m so proud of the jammers this week! We’ve accomplished A LOT in a very small amount of time. Today we really focused on walking in our line and lunchroom behavior! We also introduced our clip chart.

 This was a really fun activity because SURPRISE, SURPRISE these kids are ruthless, allow me to explain! We read the story Give that Back, Jack!  During this story a little fellow named Jack doesn’t follow the rules and in the end it doesn’t turn out so hot for him! The jammers were instructed to give thumbs down every time they thought that Jack should move his clip down the guitar. Jack was low as he could go! We had a lot of fun laughing at the illustrations during our story.

We also did a great job at center time remembering to clean up our area.  We have some very enthusiastic center timers! Check them out! :0)

If the rest of the year was as smooth as today, we’re going to have a class of rocket scientists! I hope everyone has a restful weekend and Jammers be ready to hit the ground rolling on Monday!

Ms. Joyner