Partner Work!

Today's highlight is on a PARTNER activity that we completed together in pairs! This was our first time working in pairs and it was excellent! During our math block this morning we practiced identifying numbers on dice. Then I modeled on the smart board writing numbers that we roll on our dice.
After I modeled how to count and write the numeral, I asked for volunteers we are VERY good about volunteering when we get a chance to write on the SMARTboard.  Once we got the hang of writing the number displayed on the dice.  We split up into partners around room, before we got started we talked about the importance of working the whole, working quietly, and working kindly!  I passed out the dice to each set of partners and they began working on this:

Students took turns rolling the dice and counting the dots with their partners.  Both students recorded each roll!  We did AWESOME!! I am so proud of their hard work!  Here are some photos for you to see how we did! IF you would like a copy of this to use in your classroom you can find it on at Kindergartensquared.