Behavior Plan

I believe that the best teachers take full responsibility for their classrooms. These leaders in our field, are teachers that "own" their rooms. This powerful, Jedi-like presence can only be described as the force of their personality. It’s an attitude, or state of mind, that elicits in students a strong desire to give their best. I strive to be in this realm of teachers.  The purpose of a classroom management plan is to hold students accountable for misbehavior—without having to yell, scold, or lecture. When used correctly, a classroom management plan eliminates the need to use these and other stressful, counterproductive methods. It allows me to demand impeccable behavior without causing friction and resentment, which then frees me to build meaningful and influential relationships with my students. My behavior management plan is trying to accomplish just that! I want to motivate my students to E-N-J-O-Y school. I want my classroom to be a place that they love to be. My students will feel safe and confident in my classroom at all costs. Here is my plan that is sent home each week in the student's ROCKS binders!


Ms. Joyner