Getting Ready for a New Year!

Hey guys!

I'm steadily working, working, working on getting everything in order for the new flock of Jammers!  Here's a few peaks at what I have been up to... So here it is, 12:30 AM and I am too stinking excited to sleep. Is it not enough I've been working at the library since the early morning hours?? Nope! I'm a crazy lady waiting on the go signal to get in my new classroom! I've turned my home into my temporary classroom prep work space (pictures to follow.) We are currently in the final weeks before pre-planning and our school is having the carpets in the classrooms pulled up and replaced with tile (YAY no more mold, but boo I'm a perfectionist and want to start cleaning and organizing my NEW kindergarten room!) Since we have been instructed not to visit the school until the tile is set, I have compiled a GIANT list of things I can pull together here at home! This is a wonderful thing until you are laying in bed post-midnight thinking about the pile of calendar notebooks to be sorted, hole punched, and labeled. I have become a fixture at the GSU library, even more so than usual, because of the massive amount to printing I've been up to. So sit back and soak in all of the wonderful work I've been able to do while working from home this summer. Someone has commandeered my chair...

First things first, I went on a little road trip mid-June and was able to sit down and actually read The Daily 5!! Brilliance is an understatement. These women are exactly the kind of teacher that I strive to be! They promote the family vibe in their classrooms that create a community with their students that's unparalleled. So without much further adue this is how I am planning on running my classroom. I started with a sketch of exactly how I am going to set up my room. This drawing was done in pencil because I premeditated the underestimated 563929237483921736465657483920665 billion times that I redrew it. Everything is figurative because I cannot get into my room. Making the idea physical restructuring a mere dream (probably a God send for my sweet brother bear, who loves helping his
big sister out so much!!) To lay out my room I first decided the p An of how we would run things on a daily basis, hence the schedule was born. In this schedule I included the daily 5 AND its baby math workshop sister called BUILD. I am beyond excited to incorporate these programs in my class. If you would like to read up on these bad boys here are two AWESOME sites that cleared things up for me: Daily 5 and BUILD (Math Workshop)! These are absolutely wonderfullll resources! Please check them out and I will be back soon to explain how we are going to run our day in the jammer room!

SIDE NOTE, oh my goodness!! Cannot even go refresh my diet coke before someone gets back in my chair.  Stop the cuteness little man! Bibi was a lazy daisy this morning and didn't want to get crackin' this morning but seat swiper was ready to go!

Read those blogs! I'll be back!