"Boo-tiful" October!

Needless to say, we were scary busy this October having LOADS of fun learning! Here is a photo story of our Halloween happenings!

Visit from the witch-doctor(my mom!!) We made spooky slime!!

Our Halloween Celebration!

Even the weeds were decorated!

Scary Faces!!

Perfect Attendance/Good Citizen Ceremony over in the cupcakes room!

The day before Halloween Officer Hitchens gave us a safety pep-talk and read a wonderful story!

We made safety necklaces by threading Apple Jacks and glow sticks to wear trick-or-treating!!

Day/Night Drawing!

We used our extra glow sticks in the sensory tub!

OHH NO! A bloody bandaid!! ;)  (really a grahm cracker, white icing, and food coloring/strawberry jelly) 
Still very convincing! 

Finally, our Halloween Carnival! A big thanks to our 5th grade QUEST kids that volunteered and our parents who sent in treats!!

Thank you to Mr. Hargrove and his 2nd grade class for letting us come do pumpkin experiments!! We had a big time!


Learning Our Left from our Right!

Candid Choice Time Pictures!!